An open conversation series on racism in the sport of lacrosse
My intent is to provide a forum for members of the lacrosse community to discuss matters of racism from their own experiences and perspectives. Through these communal talks, the once uncomfortable can be turned into a teachable and growth opportunity for a better future.
Today, the need to better understand each other is paramount if we, as a community, are to successfully continue as stewards of lacrosse. We are definitely NOT born with hatred of other human beings. It’s learned, it’s a product of our environment &/or experiences, but we are not born to hate. Lacrosse holds a special place in the hearts of all who participate (players, coaches, administratively, referees, team managers, and even fans). As with national sentiment, this conversation & change is long overdue. This is not a red or blue political statement but a joining of minds to better The Creators Game!
Matt Holman
Episode XIV– Future Stewards
OVERTIME Episode XIV – We join 5 college student athletes as they discuss how they are turning conversations into actions; what keeps them playing and how team culture is developed and protected.
Lia Willis, Arizona State University
Keagan Galbraith, Georgia Southern University
Juwan Woodson, Hampton University
Jon Fox, University of Virginia
Aidan Baker, Ottawa University (Kansas City)
All episodes are available for on demand viewing 24/7!
Feel free to browse and share from the full video archive!
Episode I – The Men’s Game | Episode II – The Women’s Game | Episode III – Organizations | Episode IV – Men’s Coaches | Episode V – Women’s Coaches | Episode VI – Student Athletes | Episode VII – The Scholars | Episode VIII – Denial | Episode IX – Barriers | Episode X – Top Down Change | Episode XI – Useful Discourse | Episode XII – Teammates | Episode XIII – Stoking Conversation |
BIG SHOUT OUT to a dedicated team of professionals who put their lives on hold to freely assist with getting this vision to reality. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done to lend to the overall quality of Overtime, while keeping the organic aspects needed to convey the message. A message of, “we can change!”
Please feel free to offer suggestions to add to this list. Email: OT@emwf.org. These are not my originals and sourced as I continue to educate myself. Full credit to the listed reference/link owner.
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The Alford Brothers (Harry & Thomas) have been delivering presentations around uncomfortable conversations with some of the top college and high school programs. Teams include the University of Maryland, University of Vermont, Jacksonville University, and Gonzaga High School. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can bring implicit bias and antiracism presentations to your team, then contact Harry Alford via LinkedIn.
“How to be an Antiracist” book by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
“The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America” book by Richard Rothstein
Lacrosse Social Media persona “OfficialLaxGirl“, AKA Tari Kandemiri, hosts Shooting Space, a podcast through Inside Lacrosse Women.
US Lacrosse Diversity & Inclusion
FREE “US Lacrosse seeks to lead efforts to make lacrosse a more inclusive, accessible and tolerant sport – where anyone can play and everyone feels welcome and respected.”
Follow Dr. Opie’s Podcast
Fred does an amazing job of unpacking the uncomfortable, history, and has developed a great knack of creating free flowing interviews with all who chat with him.
The Institute for Diversity & Ethics in Sport – TIDES
The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES) serves as a comprehensive resource for issues related to gender and race in amateur, collegiate and professional sports.
Project Implicit
Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition – thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. The goal of the organization is to educate the public about hidden biases and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the Internet.
Microaggressions don’t just ‘hurt your feelings’ USA Today
The Astronomical Cost of Kids Sports – Time
Youth Sports Study: Declining Participation, rising costs and unqualified coaches – Washington Post
Be a Leader for Inclusion in Sports – Huff Post